Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday Events in Clark County

Friday November 25th Santa will be making appearances all over Clark County to bring in the Christmas season.

Thorp will be hosting the 4th Annual Chamber of Commerce "Hometown for the Holiday.

In Neillsville Santa and Mrs Claus will be at the Lighting the Christmas Tree at 6PM in Sniteman Town Square. Enjoy caroling, horse drawn wagon rides, refreshments and have your picture taken.

Greenwood will have the Lighting of City Hall Park 5PM-7PM including sleigh rides.  Santa will be stopping by here too.

We at wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and have great holiday weekend. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Veterans Day at the Highground

This year the Veterans Day Ceremony at the Highground in Neillsville will take place Friday November 11th at 11:11AM.  All are welcome.

A second ceremony for the Department of Corrections Veteran Day Observation will be Tuesday November 15th at 11AM.

Other Veterans Day events on Friday include the Neillsville School District program at 9:30AM, a Band Veterans Day Assembly at Thorp High School, and a luncheon at American Legion Post 73 in Neillsville at Noon.

The team at salutes those who have served and continue to serve our nation to keep us free.  Never forget.